
The best training style is mine... just kidding! I wish there were only one way for everyone to train no matter what the goal and only one piece of equipment to do it on. For if that was the case all this confusion would be gone once and for all.

The reality is that there is NO one way to train, rather the best way for YOU to train your body. What works for you may not work for me. Too many people are wasting time in the gym or at home exercising in all the wrong ways for their particular goals and body. Now don't get me wrong, I encourage and applaud all of you who are taking the steps to lead a more healthy life by exercising but you must be sure to follow a plan that ensures your success. If you choose the wrong program it can turn into a nightmare and a big waste of time. If fat loss is the goal then you'll want to execute a program that leads to just that, fat loss. If you want strength, by all means train for strength not fat loss.

The 3 most powerful components for success with any program are the following: nutrition/resistance training/increased activity. Regardless of your goals, they can all become a reality when you master the 3 keys I just mentioned. A lot of fitness minds/trainers/gym rats and gane rats all think their way is the best and that you're a fool if you dare defy them. If you come across someone giving advice and its more less what they do in their own workout for their body and goals, avoid them.

Other sources

In your search for the 'right' program for you be sure and seek out as many opinions as you can from credible sources that have YOUR goals in mind not their own and do your own research through trial and error. Once you find a program that yields exactly what you want and need (physical/mental) stick with it until it no longer gives you want you want. At that point you start the search all over again. Remember it's a marathon not a sprint. Give a program 3-4 weeks before you make any decisions and follow the 3 keys to better your chances of an accurate outcome. Best of luck and train smart and safe.

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